Customers Service

You can contact us through customer service via mobile phone, live chat on social media platforms, or email. We aim to efficiently and effectively meet the needs and expectations of our customers. Our mission includes handling inquiries, resolving issues, and providing advice and technical support 24/7. Please note that during the holy month of Ramadan, the customer service center will be closed daily from 18:00 to 19:00.

You can contact us from inside and outside Kuwait at the following numbers:


To connect through social media platforms:
Click on the icons below    ordratonline     ordratonline     Ordrat Online     ordratonline    ordratonline     ordratonline     ordratonline     ordratonline

Download the application from the following app stores:

For email correspondence:

For wholesale inquiries:

For inquiries:

For technical support:

For companies:

Thank you, we wish you a wonderful day as well. Regards, the Orders Online team.

Good customer service contributes to improving performance quality through the following points:

1. Customer Satisfaction: Providing a positive experience for customers makes them satisfied and willing to return and promote the organization.

2. Building Relationships: Creating strong relationships with customers can lead to long-term relationships and enhance customer loyalty.

3. Building Trust: When customers feel important and their needs are heard and cared for, it increases trust between them and the organization.

4. Gathering Information: Through continuous interaction with customers, the organization can gather valuable information about their expectations and needs, enabling it to improve products and services.

5. Innovation: Understanding customer challenges and problems can encourage innovation for better solutions and the development of new products.

6. Process Improvement: By monitoring customer feedback, the organization can improve internal processes to deliver better service.

7. Addressing Major Issues: By solving small problems and simple inquiries, staff time can be freed up to focus on larger and more complex issues.

8. Handling Inquiries: Responsively answering customer questions about products and services clearly and flexibly.

9. Providing Advice: Offering guidance and advice to customers to help them make informed decisions about purchases.

10. Handling Complaints: Dealing with customer complaints with courtesy and finding solutions to meet their requirements.

11. Providing Technical Assistance: Offering technical support to customers to resolve their technical issues.

12. Tracking Orders: Monitoring the status of customer orders and providing regular updates on progress.

13. Arranging Shipping: Coordinating shipping arrangements and delivering products efficiently.

14. Providing Product Information: Furnishing customers with comprehensive information about products and services.

15. Documenting Interactions: Accurately documenting all interactions with customers to reference the date and details of contact.

16. Providing Compensation: In some cases, offering compensation or solutions to affected customers.

17. Social Media Interaction: Responding to customer inquiries and comments through social media channels.

18. Customer Training: Providing customers with basic knowledge on how to use products or services.